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PhD Student
Thomas William Colburn
Research Interests
- Open-air ultra-sonic spray coated transparent metal oxides and organic electron-transport layers
- Rapid spray and plasma-processed perovskite solar modules
- Device fabrication and characterization for machine learning optimization of perovskite performance
- Solid state battery electrolyte processing and fabrication

- Colburn, T.W., Liu, K., Carbone, A., Elsafty, O. and Dauskardt, R.H. (2024), Mechanical Design Guidelines to Inhibit Fracture in Perovskite Solar Cells. Sol. RRL 2400321. https://doi.org/10.1002/solr.202400321
- R Keesey, ATiihonen, AE Siemenn, TW Colburn, et al., “An Open-Source Environmental Chamber for Materials-Stability Testing Using an Optical Proxy,” RSC Digital Discovery, 2023. DOI https://doi-org.stanford.idm.oclc.org/10.1039/D2DD00089J
- TW Colburn, AC Delmastro, M Figueroa, F Lopez, CB Cooper, “Embedding Azobenzene-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes into a Polymer Matrix for Stretchable, Composite Solar Thermal Devices,” Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c03865
- Z Liu, N Rolston, AC Flick, TW Colburn, Z Ren, RH Dauskardt, T Buonassisi, “Machine learning with knowledge constraints for process optimization of open-air perovskite solar cell manufacturing,” Joule, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.03.003
- N Rolston, A Sleugh, JP Chen, O Zhao, TW Colburn, AC Flick, RH Dauskardt, “Perspectives of Open-Air Processing to Enable Perovskite Solar Cell Manufacturing” Frontiers In Energy Research, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2021.684082
Conference Presentations
- T. W. Colburn, D. W. Collinson, R. H. Dauskardt, “High Throughput Manufacturing of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Thin Film Oxides for Hybrid-Polymer Nanocomposite Dielectrics”, Oral Presentation, ECS Spring 2024, San Francisco, CA.
- A. Flick, J.P. Chen, T. W. Colburn, A. Carbone, F. Barrera, W. Cai, R.H. Dauskardt, “Open-Air Spray Deposition with Rapid Plasma Curing for High-Throughput Manufacturing of Low-Cost Perovskite Solar Modules”, Oral Presentation, MRS Spring 2024, Seattle, WA.
- T. W. Colburn, G. B. Crane, S. Holmes, J. Lee, Y. Cui, R. H. Dauskardt, “Large Area, Rapid Spray Plasma Processed Amorphous Lithium Lanthanum Zirconium Oxide Thin-Film Electrolytes for Solid State Batteries”, Oral Presentation, MRS Spring 2024, Seattle, WA.
- J.P. Chen, J. Risner-Jamtgaard, T.W Colburn, A. Vailionis, A. Barnum, M. Golding, K. Artyushkova, R.H. Dauskardt, “Multi-Modal Analyses of Ultrasonic-Spray-Deposited Ultrathin Organic Bathocuproine Films” AVS 2023, Oral, Portland, OR, 11/08/2023.
- A.C. Flick, M. Fievez, T.W. Colburn, Q. Liang, A. Siemenn, T. Buonassisi, & R.H. Dauskardt, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Open-Air Spray-Plasma Processed Perovskite Solar Cells”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, EL02: Material Innovation Toward Stable Halide Perovskite Electronics, Poster, San Francisco, CA, 04/13/23
- J.P. Chen, J. Risner-Jamtgaard, T.W. Colburn, M. Golding, & R.H. Dauskardt, “Open-Air Spray Deposition of Ultrathin Organic Bathocuproine Layers for Printed Electronics”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, EL18: Material, Device, and Fabrication Innovations for Flexible, Stretchable, and Printed Electronics, Poster, San Francisco, CA, 04/11/23
- TW Colburn, DW Collinson, RD Miller, RH Dauskardt, “Large-area synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous thin film transition metal oxides via solution rapid oxidation” Oral Presentation, American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Fall 2023.
- TW Colburn, DW Collinson, AC Flick, RH Dauskardt, Large-area Ultrasonic Spray Deposition and Rapid Plasma Curing of Transparent Conducting Oxides for Printable Electronics” Poster Session, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, Spring 2023.
- TW Colburn, JP Chen, RH Dauskardt, “Rapid, Open-air Ultrasonic Spray Deposition of Perovskite Solar Cell Front Electrode and Electron Transport Layers,” Poster Session, Hands-On Photovoltaic Experience, NREL, CO, Summer 2022.
- JP Chen, TW Colburn, M Golding, RH Dauskardt, “Scalable Open-Air Ultrasonic Spray Deposition of PCBM/BCP Electron Transport Layer and Morphology Control via Rapid Thermal Processing,” MRS Honolulu, Spring 2022.
- TW Colburn, N Rolston, RH Dauskardt, “Rapid and Scalable Open-Air Combustion Synthesis with Plasma Anneal for Transparent Conducting Oxides” Materials Research Society, Virtual Conference, Spring 2022.
- TW Colburn, O Zhou, AC Flick, RH Dauskardt, “Real-Time Optical Monitoring for Rapid Diagnosis of the Thermal Stability of Device Architectures for Perovskite Solar Module” Materials Research Society, Virtual Conference, 2021.
- K Gu, TW Colburn, Z Bao, “High Performance Roll-to-roll Printed PTB7-Th:PC71BM Organic Solar Cells Enabled by Rapid Additive Removal” Materials Science and Technology Conference, Global Young Investigators Forum, 2019, Portland, Oregon.
- US Patent Application 18/200,280, “Fully open-air combustion deposition and rapid plasma treatment of metal oxides”, R.H. Dauskardt, T.W. Colburn, R.D. Miller, N. Rolston, 2023.
- TomKat Center Graduate Fellow in Translational Research (2022-2024)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2020 – 2023)
- Battelle Materials Graduate Student Award (2020)
- Michael Boudart Award for Academic Excellence in Chemical Engineering (2020)
- FMD Gilbert Chin Scholarship, The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (2020)
- Reserve Candidate, Marshall Scholarship (2019)
- Army Educational Outreach Program Travel Award (Multiple Years)
Ph.D. Stanford University, Materials Science and Engineering, in progress
M.S., Stanford University, Materials Science and Engineering, 2022
B.S. with Honors and Distinction, Stanford University, Chemical Engineering, 2020